Thursday, August 18, 2011

My first blog! Yay!

Hello world,

I'm Lynda and this is my first foray into blogging... unless you count the few angsty blog entries I posted on my Myspace when I was 16, but let's not. 

I've started this blog to link to my brand new website which I'm so excited about! It won't be live for a few more days, but when it is ready you can click that to see it. ---->  Click here to see it!!! Thanks so much to Andrew Sheron for his amazing work! This blog will be a wonderful way for me to share what's going on in my life whether it's new music and upcoming shows, an interesting story about my day, or random thoughts that happen to float through my head. 

I guess I should say a little about myself. I was born in Jersey, raised in Las Vegas, and lived the past 3 years in Boston. 1 year ago I released my first EP, 3 months ago I graduated from Berklee College of Music, 2 weeks ago I won BMI's John Lennon Songwriting Contest (what?! still in shock about that), and 4 days ago I completed my 3 month run as a cruise ship singer and moved to New York City. That's where I'm at right now. So many aspects of my life are not set in stone and I couldn't be more excited about it!

I hope you'll keep checking back to follow me on what I'm sure is to be a crazy, crazy journey. 

<3, Lynda

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