Okay, elephant in the room: I haven't updated this blog in over 2 months. I'm really bad at blogging. I'm going to get better. Moving on.
Today marks the middle of November, also known as the best month of the year. I have always loved November and good things always happen in November. The leaves complete their transformation from green to red, orange, and gold, the air gets really crisp, my birthday happens, Starbucks holiday drinks are available, you start seeing holiday decorations pop up, Thanksgiving, 24 hour Christmas music, and more. In general, it's a really exciting time. In addition, I always get a little extra burst of motivation in November and I couldn't tell you why. One of my best friends calls November her "power month" and I share her sentiments.
As I alluded to in my last entry, my move to New York has not been without its share of mishaps. From the little annoyances like getting 3 printers in 1 week because every single one I purchased happened to be broken, to emotionally draining and mind consuming tasks like taking my landlord to court because my apartment didn't have power for a month and gas for two... and everything in between. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was genuinely having plain old bad luck... and a lot of it. Because I'm ever the optimist and try to pull the good out of every experience then put a pink ribbon on it with "Lesson Learned" or "This was meant to be" written all over it, I really, really struggled. I couldn't find the reason or the good. Who can all of the time?
But then November came and just like it always does, it makes me feel renewed and empowered. This is MY month and nothing is going to ruin that, dammit! All of the legal issues, stupid printers, and other bumps diminished. I handled them and with time, they went away. Everything is not pretty and clean and it's not my job to make it appear that way. You just gotta face everything and deal with it. So I did. That's growing up and that is the power of November, people!
What is so awesome is that there are still 15 days of November left! A whole half of a month to enjoy everything stated above (Starbucks, birthday, leaves), plus more with this newfound clarity! I just finished performing in a staged reading of a new musical "Bar Code" with Jim Rado (co-writer of the musical "Hair") as Creative Consultant; I'm currently in the process of learning a huuuuge repertoire of Christmas carols for a caroling company that I will be working for this holiday season; and I'm planning out a timeline for finishing and releasing my new EP! More details to come on that later (!!!!!).
To wrap things up: I hope that everyone has something that empowers them in their life; that gives them that much needed push forward. Whether it's a person, a favorite spot in the park, their religion or spirituality, or if you're me, a month. November really helped me turn things around this year. I'm back on track and ready to focus on the music, being happy, and less on the unavoidable bumps in life. That's why I'm a self-proclaimed November enthusiast.
Until next time! *steps down from soap box*
<3, Lynda
PS. I was recently the "Independent Feature" in I Am Entertainment Magazine's latest issue! Check it out