Friday, September 9, 2011

Turn That Frown Upside Down

My first few weeks here in New York have been full of a ridiculous series of unfortunate events that have s t r e s s e d. me. out. I won't go into details because I hate to dwindle on the past, especially the not-so-good parts of the past, but long story short - I still haven't moved into my new apartment.  Anywho, I would like to pull something positive, something learned out of this situation. So here it goes

Every time another mishap was added to the list over the past few weeks, I tried to rationalize why it was happening at all and of course, why me? Wah Wah Blah Blah. But you know, sometimes things just are. It's not something you did or that you could control - it just happened and you have to deal with it. This lesson is nothing new to me or you, but I think it's one that's easy to forget.  We go about our lives with our goals and plans to achieve those goals very set in our minds. If you're like me, you're an avid "To- Do List" maker and you get a little too excited when you check an item off of your list. But things aren't always that straight forward, there are always going to be variables that we can't predict or control; those are the greatest challenges. The challenges that greet you unexpectedly, that force you to adjust your original game plan, and make the best of that situation are what truly help you grow. It's so cliche, but it's  just so, so true.  I have accepted this notion now more than ever and am ready to move forward.

Things haven't been all bad though! While waiting for my apartment's management and the electric company to get it together, I've gotten to spend lots of time hanging with my boy who I haven't seen a lot of the last few years due to that whole long distance relationship thing, exploring the city and getting acquainted with the subway system, and everyone's favorite - job hunting! I've also had a few auditions and done a small recording project for a local producer.  All exciting things!
So I'm getting settled little by little and taking it day by day. And that's really all there is to say for now.

Take care!

<3, Lynda