Friday, July 6, 2012

"...and time we can't stop..."

Wow, time flies! I'm really bad about updates and blogging, but I've been keeping busy.  So that's good, right? I'm enjoying my first east coast summer & even better - I'm in one of the best cities in the world to make the most of it.

2012 has been very good to me so far. To get you up-to-date:

My Brand Spankin-New-Album
My Kickstarter was SUCCESSFULLY FUNDED! I started rehearsing with my brand new band (amazing & talented individuals!) and went into The Bunker Studio in Brooklyn in April to record my new album. Since the band finished tracking, I've been making short trips to Boston to record vocals at Dirty Water Sound with James Willetts. The album is so very close to being done, but I'm taking my time with it to ensure the best and most creative product comes to you. It will be done SOON though! It's also taking a little longer to record than anticipated because...

Musical Theatre
I've been auditioning for theatre. A lot. and it's been paying off. In April, I sang background vocals for my dear friend Ilana Gabrielle's one-woman-show "Kissing Frogs: Tales of Dating Misadventures in NYC;" that show has since been chosen to perform in the United Solo Theater Festival in October! In May, I had a lead role in the staged reading of "Missunderstood: The Musical" that featured the music of P!nk. Aside from the projects that I've booked, there have been lots of callbacks and "almosts" and I'm just as happy about those; it's all about the experience and the journey.

So what's going on right now? I'm continuing work on my new album and aiming to release it by the Fall. I was recently hired by Footlights Entertainment for private events and weddings AND they've offered me a solo acoustic pop set within their weekly gig at Time Out New York Lounge at New World Stages! More info on that soon! Also, I will be singing various Monday nights throughout the summer at Toshi's Living Room as part of the "For the Love" Monday Night Music Series. Basically, I'm loving seizing all opportunities and seeing where they lead me.

Until next time!

<3, Lynda

PS. The title of this update is a lyric from one of my new songs and the 2 words that come before the ellipsis is the title of my new album. Coming soon! ;)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Being a Real Person

Today is a special day. Today is me and New York's 6 month anniversary. 6 months ago I walked off of the cruise ship and started my life as a college graduate, pseudo-adult, "making it work" real person. Some of my friends and I say that when you graduate college and start working you become a "real person" as opposed to the former part of your life when you were a "fake person." Anywho. It has not been an easy few months out of the gate, but they've been necessary. As stated before, I make lists. So I've compiled a list of some things I've learned in my first 6 months as a real person.

Things I've Learned in My First 6 Months as a Real Person:
1. People are willing to help you, but you have to be humble enough to ask.
2. Double check if your apartment comes with electricity. Juuuust in case.
3. I have the worst luck finding and moving into apartments which solidifies the fact that I should just be a touring superstar. Immediately.
4. Going outside at least once a day is essential to sanity.
5. Set up e-mail alerts to pay your credit card cause if you're me, you will forget. Fees are not your friend.
6. Everyone on the subway gets off first, THEN you get on. If you're one of those people who rushes onto the subway and by doing so, pushes and shoves me... You're a meanie and I hate you.
7. Vendor hotdogs are $3 now. What's with the inflation, fellas?!
8. Sometimes there's comfort in instability... but not that much comfort. So make plans and see them through.
9. Write everything down and get everything in writing.
10. If you don't like something, change it. This is cliche, but it's for real.
11. To-Do lists save my life.
12. Don't compare yourself to others even though it looks like everyone's always doing stuff that's cooler than what you're doing cause you're doing cool stuff too. Don't worry.
13. You're always going to want to "lose 3 pounds." Eff it. Enjoy the occasional beer and/or Ben & Jerry's.
14. Work really hard and have lots of patience.
15. Being accidentally wine drunk on a weekday IS a thing.
16 It's okay to s t o p and take time to think about what you truly want instead of always doing, doing, doing.
17. Fergie was wrong, big girls do cry.

Here's to the next 6!

<3, Lynda

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Brand Spankin' New

Hello dear reader,

Well, the new year is in full swing. I've been back in the city for a week after a very relaxing and necessary 3 weeks at home. Before I left for back home, a friend told me "One of the most important things about living in New York City, is knowing when to get away from New York City." So that's what I did. I was productive, but also had my fair share of TLC's "What Not to Wear" & "Hoarders: Buried Alive" marathons, hanging with my dog, and sleeping until noon.

Now it's back to the grind! I've been brainstorming creative ways to promote the new album and places to expose my music to new and different crowds. Those are secrets for now though!

Oh, yeah. I believe, since I don't blog that often, I haven't mentioned that I am planning on releasing a new 7 (maybe 8) song EP of brand spankin' new music in the spring! (I went with that for my campaign title for many "deep" and sappy reasons, but also because it just sounds fun!)  I'm currently raising money to record and release said EP via Kickstarter. I launched this project on December 21st and with 11 days left, it's looking like this album will be a reality... but I still need some more help! Please take a moment to check out my Kickstarter page, watch my video, pledge if you can, and help spread the word. Project deadline is January 30th!!!

Sharing this new music makes me really excited about life and means so, so much to me; any support you can give will make you my new best friend. Seriously.

Until next time, guys!

<3, Lynda  

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy Things, Happy Times

Hello lovely people,

I don't have too much to talk about and nothing major to update (yet!), I do however have a few things that have made me happy recently that I thought I'd share with you. 

1.  This caroling costume. I work for a caroling company and we go all out.

2.  My first opera experience at Lincoln Center. It was such a classy affair; something I think all people should experience at least once. 
3.  RockStars For Life: This foundation was started by 2 of my former classmates at Berklee. Check out the video for more details. It's truly amazing! 

5. Next week I will be launching a super awesome project. Keep a look out! 
6. The anticipation of Christmas and the holiday season in general. My roomie and I had a blast making this video.  I hope it makes you smile. =)

<3, Lynda

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thoughts From a November Enthusiast

Okay, elephant in the room: I haven't updated this blog in over 2 months. I'm really bad at blogging. I'm going to get better. Moving on. 

Today marks the middle of November, also known as the best month of the year. I have always loved November and good things always happen in November. The leaves complete their transformation from green to red, orange, and gold, the air gets really crisp, my birthday happens, Starbucks holiday drinks are available, you start seeing holiday decorations pop up, Thanksgiving, 24 hour Christmas music, and more. In general, it's a really exciting time. In addition, I always get a little extra burst of motivation in November and I couldn't tell you why.  One of my best friends calls November her "power month" and I share her sentiments. 

As I alluded to in my last entry, my move to New York has not been without its share of mishaps. From the little annoyances like getting 3 printers in 1 week because every single one I purchased happened to be broken, to emotionally draining and mind consuming tasks like taking my landlord to court because my apartment didn't have power for a month and gas for two... and everything in between. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was genuinely having plain old bad luck... and a lot of it. Because I'm ever the optimist and try to pull the good out of every experience then put a pink ribbon on it with "Lesson Learned" or "This was meant to be" written all over it, I really, really struggled. I couldn't find the reason or the good. Who can all of the time?

But then November came and just like it always does, it makes me feel renewed and empowered. This is MY month and nothing is going to ruin that, dammit! All of the legal issues, stupid printers, and other bumps diminished. I handled them and with time, they went away. Everything is not pretty and clean and it's not my job to make it appear that way. You just gotta face everything and deal with it. So I did. That's growing up and that is the power of November, people!

What is so awesome is that there are still 15 days of November left! A whole half of a month to enjoy everything stated above (Starbucks, birthday, leaves), plus more with this newfound clarity!  I just finished performing in a staged reading of a new musical "Bar Code" with Jim Rado (co-writer of the musical "Hair") as Creative Consultant; I'm currently in the process of learning a huuuuge repertoire of Christmas carols for a caroling company that I will be working for this holiday season; and I'm planning out a timeline for finishing and releasing my new EP! More details to come on that later (!!!!!). 

To wrap things up: I hope that everyone has something that empowers them in their life; that gives them that much needed push forward. Whether it's a person, a favorite spot in the park, their religion or spirituality, or if you're me, a month.  November really helped me turn things around this year. I'm back on track and ready to focus on the music, being happy, and less on the unavoidable bumps in life. That's why I'm a self-proclaimed November enthusiast. 

Until next time! *steps down from soap box*

<3, Lynda

PS. I was recently the "Independent Feature" in I Am Entertainment Magazine's latest issue! Check it out

Friday, September 9, 2011

Turn That Frown Upside Down

My first few weeks here in New York have been full of a ridiculous series of unfortunate events that have s t r e s s e d. me. out. I won't go into details because I hate to dwindle on the past, especially the not-so-good parts of the past, but long story short - I still haven't moved into my new apartment.  Anywho, I would like to pull something positive, something learned out of this situation. So here it goes

Every time another mishap was added to the list over the past few weeks, I tried to rationalize why it was happening at all and of course, why me? Wah Wah Blah Blah. But you know, sometimes things just are. It's not something you did or that you could control - it just happened and you have to deal with it. This lesson is nothing new to me or you, but I think it's one that's easy to forget.  We go about our lives with our goals and plans to achieve those goals very set in our minds. If you're like me, you're an avid "To- Do List" maker and you get a little too excited when you check an item off of your list. But things aren't always that straight forward, there are always going to be variables that we can't predict or control; those are the greatest challenges. The challenges that greet you unexpectedly, that force you to adjust your original game plan, and make the best of that situation are what truly help you grow. It's so cliche, but it's  just so, so true.  I have accepted this notion now more than ever and am ready to move forward.

Things haven't been all bad though! While waiting for my apartment's management and the electric company to get it together, I've gotten to spend lots of time hanging with my boy who I haven't seen a lot of the last few years due to that whole long distance relationship thing, exploring the city and getting acquainted with the subway system, and everyone's favorite - job hunting! I've also had a few auditions and done a small recording project for a local producer.  All exciting things!
So I'm getting settled little by little and taking it day by day. And that's really all there is to say for now.

Take care!

<3, Lynda

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My first blog! Yay!

Hello world,

I'm Lynda and this is my first foray into blogging... unless you count the few angsty blog entries I posted on my Myspace when I was 16, but let's not. 

I've started this blog to link to my brand new website which I'm so excited about! It won't be live for a few more days, but when it is ready you can click that to see it. ---->  Click here to see it!!! Thanks so much to Andrew Sheron for his amazing work! This blog will be a wonderful way for me to share what's going on in my life whether it's new music and upcoming shows, an interesting story about my day, or random thoughts that happen to float through my head. 

I guess I should say a little about myself. I was born in Jersey, raised in Las Vegas, and lived the past 3 years in Boston. 1 year ago I released my first EP, 3 months ago I graduated from Berklee College of Music, 2 weeks ago I won BMI's John Lennon Songwriting Contest (what?! still in shock about that), and 4 days ago I completed my 3 month run as a cruise ship singer and moved to New York City. That's where I'm at right now. So many aspects of my life are not set in stone and I couldn't be more excited about it!

I hope you'll keep checking back to follow me on what I'm sure is to be a crazy, crazy journey. 

<3, Lynda